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Docker Looks Like Something Went Wrong Press Any Key to Continue

I, background

Recently prepared to take the time to study Docker, choose to install on the Windows system in your home.

My system is Windows7, first installing Docker Toolbox, Docker Toolbox is a toolset, mainly including the following:

Docker CLI client, used to run the Docker engine to create mirroring and containers  Docker Machine. Let you run the Docker engine command in the command line of Windows.  Docker compose. Used to run a docker-compose command  This is the Docker's GUI version  Docker QuickStart Shell. This is a command line environment that has been configured with Docker  Oracle VM VirtualBox. Virtual machine          

After installation, the desktop gets the following:

At this point, double-click Docker QuickStart Termimal to start.

Second, the problem

1, question:looks like something went wrong in step 'looking for vboxmanage.exe'

Everything is going well until. . . The terminal appears as follows: looks like something went wrong in step 'looking for vboxmanage.exe'

Regular attitude: This exception in which this cannot be found is due to the problem of installation directory, so you first look at where Docker QuickStart Termimal creates shortcuts, right-> properties

Keep up with the path, open the script file, discovered that the abnormal prompt appears 20 lines, as shown below:

Intuitive feeling is due to variables "$ {vbox_msi_install_path}", or variable "$ {vbox_install_path}" get exceptions, first check the environment variable, whether the variable is not written

Find everything, then verify this idea by printing the value of this variable, using the most violent direct method, outputs the variable "$ {vbox_msi_install_path}", in order to prevent the script from continuously, through the READ breakpoint

Run Docker QuickStart Termimal again, the results are as follows:

Discover the normal analysis of variables, then the problem may not be here, continue to discharize down until here

The problem directly points to the variable "$ {docker_machine}" get an exception, and the variable is in the script line 18 definition: docker_machine = "$ {docker_toolbox_install_path} \ docker-machine.exe", using the same method, output variable $ {docker_toolbox_install_path}

Obviously, the variable is empty, my docker-machine.exe is installed in "D: \ USR \ Docker Toolbox \", so the script is directly modified:

Similarly, all the variables in the script are replaced with specific paths, running Docker QuickStart Termimal, solving, and all others go smoothly!

Third, other

Attach my personal script code, replace the response path

                              1              #!/bin/bash                                            2              trap              '              [ "$?" -eq 0 ] || read -p "Looks like something went wrong in step ´$STEP´... Press any key to continue..."              '                              EXIT                                            3                              4              #Quick Hack: used to convert e.g.              "              C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox              "              to              "              /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox              "                              5              win_to_unix_path(){                                            6              wd="              $(pwd)              "                              7              cd              "              $1              "                              8              the_path="              $(pwd)              "                              9              cd              "              $wd              "                              10              echo                              $the_path                                            11              }                                            12                              13              # This is needed  to ensure that binaries provided                                            14              # by Docker Toolbox over-ride binaries provided by                                            15              # Docker              for                              Windows when launching using the Quickstart.                                            16              export PATH="              D:\usr\Docker Toolbox:$PATH              "                              17              VM=${DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME-default}                                            18              DOCKER_MACHINE="              D:\usr\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe              "                              19                              20              STEP="              Looking for vboxmanage.exe              "                              21              if              [ ! -z              "              $VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH              "              ];              then                              22              VBOXMANAGE="              ${VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH}VBoxManage.exe              "                              23              else                              24              VBOXMANAGE="              ${VBOX_INSTALL_PATH}VBoxManage.exe              "                              25              fi                              26                              27              BLUE='              \033[1;34m              '                              28              GREEN='              \033[0;32m              '                              29              NC='              \033[0m              '                              30                              31              #clear              all_proxy              if                              not socks address                                            32              if              [[ $ALL_PROXY != socks* ]];              then                              33                              unset ALL_PROXY                                            34              fi                              35              if              [[ $all_proxy != socks* ]];              then                              36                              unset all_proxy                                            37              fi                              38                              39              if              [ ! -f              "              ${DOCKER_MACHINE}              "              ];              then                              40              echo              "              Docker Machine is not installed. Please re-run the Toolbox Installer and try again.              "                              41              exit              1                              42              fi                              43                              44              if              [ ! -f              "              ${VBOXMANAGE}              "              ];              then                              45              echo              "              VirtualBox is not installed. Please re-run the Toolbox Installer and try again.              "                              46              exit              1                              47              fi                              48                              49              "              ${VBOXMANAGE}              "              list vms |              grep              \""${VM}"              \" &> /dev/null                              50              VM_EXISTS_CODE=$?                              51                              52              set -e                                            53                              54              STEP="              Checking if machine $VM exists              "                              55              if              [ $VM_EXISTS_CODE -eq              1              ];              then                              56              "              ${DOCKER_MACHINE}              "              rm              -f              "              ${VM}              "              &> /dev/null              ||                :                                            57              rm              -rf ~/.docker/machine/machines/"              ${VM}              "                              58              #set proxy variables              if                              they exists                                            59              if              [              "              ${HTTP_PROXY}              "              ];              then                              60              PROXY_ENV="              $PROXY_ENV --engine-env HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY              "                              61              fi                              62              if              [              "              ${HTTPS_PROXY}              "              ];              then                              63              PROXY_ENV="              $PROXY_ENV --engine-env HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY              "                              64              fi                              65              if              [              "              ${NO_PROXY}              "              ];              then                              66              PROXY_ENV="              $PROXY_ENV --engine-env NO_PROXY=$NO_PROXY              "                              67              fi                              68              "              ${DOCKER_MACHINE}              "              create -d virtualbox $PROXY_ENV              "              ${VM}              "                              69              fi                              70                              71              STEP="              Checking status on $VM              "                              72              VM_STATUS="              $( set +e ;                            "${DOCKER_MACHINE}"                              status                            "${VM}"                              )              "                              73              if              [              "              ${VM_STATUS}              "              !=              "              Running              "              ];              then                              74              "              ${DOCKER_MACHINE}              "              start              "              ${VM}              "                              75              yes |              "              ${DOCKER_MACHINE}              "              regenerate-certs              "              ${VM}              "                              76              fi                              77                              78              STEP="              Setting env              "                              79              eval              "              $(              "${DOCKER_MACHINE}"                              env --shell=bash --no-proxy                            "${VM}"                              | sed -e                            "s/export/SETX/g"                              | sed -e                            "s/=/ /g"              )              "              &> /dev/null              #for              persistent Environment Variables, available              in                              next sessions                                            80              eval              "              $(              "${DOCKER_MACHINE}"                              env --shell=bash --no-proxy                            "${VM}"              )              "              #for              transient Environment Variables, available              in                              current session                                            81                              82              STEP="              Finalize              "                              83              clear                              84              cat              <<                EOF                                            85                              86                              87                              ##         .                                            88              ## ## ##        ==                              89              ## ## ## ## ##    ===                              90              /"""""""""""""""""              \___/ ===                              91              ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~                              92              \______ o           __/                              93              \    \         __/                              94              \____\_______/                              95                              96              EOF                                            97              echo              -e              "              ${BLUE}docker${NC} is configured to use the ${GREEN}${VM}${NC} machine with IP ${GREEN}$(              "${DOCKER_MACHINE}"                              ip ${VM})${NC}              "                              98              echo              "              For help getting started, check out the docs at              "                              99              echo              100              echo              101              #cd #Bad: working              dir                              should be whatever directory was invoked from rather than fixed to the Home folder                            102              103              docker () {                            104              MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1              docker.exe              "              [email protected]              "              105              }                            106              export -f docker                            107              108              if              [ $# -eq              0              ];              then              109              echo              "              Start interactive shell              "              110              exec              "              $BASH              "              --login              -i                            111              else              112              echo              "              Start shell with command              "              113              exec              "              $BASH              "              -c              "              $*              "              114              fi            

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